Voice, Sound, and Music
Researchers and researcher-practitioners in the department pioneer in the investigation of voice, sound and music, particularly as they pertain to theatre and performance. Award-winning publications and grant projects in this strand explore the ways in which voice, sound, and music are made, and are made meaningful, in cultural texts, performances, and in everyday life. The research encompasses contemporary training and performance-making practices as well as historical and historiographical dimensions. The latter are a distinctive focus of the work, which intersects with musicology and the interdisciplinary fields of voice studies and sound studies.
Konstantinos Thomaidis is founding co-editor of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies and the Routledge Voice Studies series, while Thomaidis and Curtin co-founded the Sound, Voice and Music Working Group for TAPRA, and Roms has brought a thematic concern with listening to the PSi conference, ‘Crises of Care’, 2020.
The Aural History of Performance Art: Sound as Evidence, Documentation, Archive | Heike Roms |
Representing ‘Classical Music’ in the Twenty-First Century | Adrian Curtin |
Centre for Interdisciplinary Voice Studies | Konstantinos Thomaidis |
voice; music; sound; sonic historiography; aurality; music in drama; listening; representing classical music; vocality; vocal autobiography; vocal archaeology