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Communications, Drama and Film

Photo of Dr Melisa Moore

Dr Melisa Moore

Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies


01392 724412


Dr Melisa Moore welcomes enquiries about postgraduate supervision (for MRes, MPhil and PhD degrees) in any of the following fields of Latin American Cultural Studies: Peruvian Literature and Culture; Indigenism; José María Arguedas; Testimonial Writing; Intellectual and Cultural History; Visual Culture.

Transformative Practices: Politics, Poetics and Visual Culture in 1920s Peru

In this research, I explore the political and artistic tensions operating during the pivotal years of the ‘oncenio' (1919-1930), through a critical reading of politico-poetic written and visual texts by canonical and non-canonical writers, poets and painters, both Marxist and aprista, such as Mariátegui, Delmar, Adán, Portal and Codesido. (Populist) politics and the (popular) avant-garde arts interacted with and altered each other in diverse ways during these turbulent years. I consider the creative implications of this interplay for the formation of a new, semi-subaltern, sense of self and nationhood, and a ‘national-popular‘ (Gramsci) intellectual and cultural tradition, or hegemony, in 1920s Peru.

Memory, Myth and Historiography in ‘Indigenist' Narratives of Nation in Peru, 1920-1940

This project examines the political and poetic conceptions, and discursive strategies of indigenista intellectuals and artists in Lima, Cuzco and Puno from 1920-1940, alongside the emergence of a bold pictorial poetics in their work. I focus on paradigmatic and revisionist readings of the indigenous community by Mariátegui, Churata, Alegría and Arguedas, who drew on and added to, as they also contested, the colonial concept of an Andean Utopia through tropes such as myth and metaphor. My aim is to gauge the value of these texts as mechanisms for transmitting popular and personal memory, and recording (semi-)subaltern history.

Ethnography and Poetics as Medi(t)ation for José María Arguedas

This on-going research builds on my doctoral work on the relations between Arguedas's ethnographic pursuits and his polemical novel Todas las sangres, in the light of key social-scientific studies on migration and ‘mestizaje' in recent years. It does so by tracing the construction of a visual poetics, rooted in a rich Andean iconography, in his early narratives, in the context of anthropological reflections on the mnemonic function of these dynamic pictorial forms.

‘Subaltern' Authorship and Representation in Testimonial Writing

Of particular interest are the ways in which ethnic and gender roles and relations are interrogated and (re-)inscribed through hybrid textual forms, which draw on, and destabilize, popular and prescribed modes of representation and reception.

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Postgraduate Supervision since 2001

  • Co-Supervision of PhD Thesis: ‘Rethinking José María Arguedas: Contemporary Interpretation and Social Change in Peru of ‘Todas las sangres', Fernando Aldave, from 2007.
  • Supervision of MA Dissertation (20,000 words), 2004.
  • I have also supervised work for the MA Dissertation

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2023 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1995 |


  • Moore M. (2023) ‘‘Y todo esto pasó con nosotros’: reescrituras del mundo indígena en la recepción literaria de Tlatelolco 1968, Víctor Manuel Sanchis Amat, Madrid: Iberoamericana/Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert. 2020. 219pp. ISBN 9788491921394’, Taylor and Francis Group.


  • Moore M. (2018) Rethinking Community from Peru. The Political Philosophy of Jose Maria Arguedas. [PDF]
  • Moore M. (2018) Los nuevos descontentos del Perú: José Carlos Mariátegui y la política y poética de cambio, La Patria Nueva. Economía, sociedad y cultura en el Perú 1919-1930, Editorial A Contracorriente, University of North Carolina Press, 235-273.


  • Moore M. (2017) Rompiendo fronteras imaginadas: retórica y 'revolución' en la narrativa de la nación peruana de José Carlos Mariátegui, Migración y frontera. Experiencias culturales en la literatura peruana del siglo XX, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 91-115.



  • Moore M. (2014) Give the word. Ethics, politics and poetics of writing in the works of Arguedas. [PDF]
  • Moore M. (2014) Fernando Rivera, Dar la palabra. Ética, política y poética de la escritura en Arguedas, Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert Iberoamericana, 2011, Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Glasgow), 91/3, 2014, 1 pages.
  • Moore M. (2014) José Carlos Mariátegui's Unfinished Revolution: Politics, Poetics, and Change in 1920s Peru, Bucknell University Press/Rowman & Littlefield. [PDF]


  • Moore M. (2013) Project, Prophesy, Problems: José Carlos Mariátegui’s Readings of Revolution and Nation in 1920s Peru, Delaware Review of Latin American Studies, volume Vol. 14, no. No. 2. [PDF]
  • Moore M. (2013) Acerca del intenso significado de una nueva voz peruana: José María Arguedas y la cultura literaria nacional, Arguedas: La dinámica de los encuentros culturales Tomo II, Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 199-210.


  • Moore M. (2011) Shannon Marie Butler, Travel Narratives in Dialogue. Contesting Representations of Nineteenth-Century Peru, New York: Peter Lang, 2008, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, LXXXVIII.


  • Moore M. (2009) 'José María Arguedas (1911-1969)',
  • Moore M. (2009) 'José María Arguedas (1911-1969)'. [PDF]
  • Moore M. (2009) Anne Lambright, Creating the Hybrid Intellectual. Subject, Space and the Feminine in the Narrative of José María Arguedas, Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2007. [PDF]


  • Moore M. (2007) David Wood, De sabor nacional. El impacto de la cultura popular en el Perú, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos/ Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, 2005, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 84/6.
  • Moore M. (2007) Misha Kokotovic, The Colonial Divide in Peruvian Narrative. Social Conflict and Transculturation, Brighton/ Portland, Oregon: Sussex Academic Press, 2005, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 84/7.
  • Moore M. (2007) Silvia Bermúdez, La esfinge de la escritura: la poesía ética de Blanca Varela, Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2005, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 84/2.
  • Moore M. (2007) Breaking Boundaries: Reading(s) Between Disciplines and Genres in Latin America, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, volume 84, no. 4, pages 611-628, DOI:10.1080/14753820701452626.
  • Moore M. (2007) Fugitive Signs: Mapping Metaphors and Meaning in La casa de cartón by Martín Adán, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, volume 84, no. 5, pages 625-643.


  • Moore M. (2006) Martha Ojeda, Nicomedes Santa Cruz. Ecos de África en Perú, Woodbridge, Suffolk: Tamesis, 2003, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 83/2.
  • Moore M. (2006) Critical Junctures: Politics, Poetics and Female Presence in the Avant-Garde in Peru, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Tesserae, volume 12, no. 1, pages 1-14.
  • Moore, M. (2006) Encuentros y desencuentros de la novela y las ciencias sociales en el Perú: repensando 'Todas las sangres', Jose Maria Arguedas: hacia una poetica migrante, University of Pittsburgh Press, 267-284.


  • Moore M. (2005) A Female Vanguard in Peru: Marginality and Mediation in the Early Poetry of Magda Portal, Studies in Latin American Literature and Culture in Honour of James Higgins, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Special Issue, Liverpool University Press, 72-84.


  • Moore, M.. (2004) Between Two Worlds: The Poetics of Ethnographic Representation in Las comunidades de España y del Perú by Jose Maria Arguedas, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, volume 81, no. 2, pages 81-98.


  • Moore M. (2003) En la encrucijada: las ciencias sociales y la novela en el Perú. Lecturas paralelas de Todas las sangres, Fondo Editorial Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
  • Moore M. (2003) 'Anthropology' and 'Literature' Intersected: Female Roles and Identities in Todas las sangres by Jose Maria Arguedas, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Tesserae, volume 9, no. 1, pages 39-55.


  • Moore M. (2002) Identidades en transformacion y paradigmas emergentes del mestizaje en la obra antropologica y literaria de Jose Maria Arguedas, Revista Anthropologica (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru), volume 20, pages 57-76.
  • Moore M. (2002) Social Sciences and the Novel in Peru: A Study of Identity and Nomenclature in Todas las sangres by Jose Maria Arguedas, Hispanic Research Journal, volume 3, no. 2, pages 153-166.
  • Moore M. (2002) From Reflection to Refraction: Rethinking Paradigms of Cultural Interaction and Identity in Peru and Mexico, Bulletin of Latin American Research, volume 21, no. 4, pages 490-506.


  • Moore M. (2001) Literatura y etnografia como convergencia. Imagenes de la identidad en Todas las sangres de Jose Maria Arguedas, Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (99: Cusco, Peru), Fondo Editorial Cronolibros, 94-99.


  • Moore M. (1995) (Des-)Construyendo la mujer: etnicidad y genero en tres novelas de Arguedas, Amor y fuego. Jose Maria Arguedas, 25 anos despues, Editorial DESCO/ SUR, 199-207.

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Conference Papers Given (Since 2001)

  • ‘Identidad y mestizaje en la obra literaria y antropológica de José María Arguedas'
    August 2001, Jalla, Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana.
  • ‘Critical Junctures: Politics, Poetics and Female Presence in the Avant-Garde in Peru'
    May 2004, Birkbeck College, London University, Annual Conference of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies; one of four speakers.
  • ‘Detractors and Devotees: Modernity, ‘Mestizaje' and the Rise of a New Intellectual Hegemony in 1920s Peru'
    February 2008, Bristol University, Joint Initiative for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean Colloquium.
  • ‘Futuro perfecto: literatura, historiografía y nacionalismo (andino) en ‘El proceso de la literatura' de José Carlos Mariátegui'
    August 2008, Santiago de Chile, Jalla, Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana.

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